Brazilian jiu jitsu teacher Daryell Dickson Meneses recently turned himself in to authorities on some absolutely terrifying self-confessed crimes including beating, raping and proceeding to murder his baby stepson.
But as many of you know, prison time doesn’t usually end well for those accused of crimes against children – especially a crime as painfully horrendous as this. To repay this disgusting man for his terrible act, other prisoners decided to get some “prison justice,” proceeding to rape the man so many times, he needed stitches and could barely walk!
“Daryell was raped by about 20 prisoners. He had injuries all over his body, the most serious ones in the anal region,” reports The Inquisitr. “Dissatisfied, and still furious about the crimes committed by the teacher, the prisoners tore apart the stitches that he received and raped him again. The blood stains on the rear of the shorts of the young man are proof of how much he suffered.”
While Meneses clearly got what he deserved, many people online are saying that a brutal rape like this is not okay, no matter what the circumstances. Others believe that he deserved this brutal punishment as a result of his disgusting and horrendous crimes committed, including murdering and raping a small child. Still, most agree that he got what was coming to him and hopefully no one feels too bad for this horrible excuse for a human being.
Prison violence like this is not uncommon. In fact, there are even laws in place regarding it. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, “The Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA; Public Law 108-79) requires the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) to carry out a comprehensive statistical review and analysis of the incidence and effects of prison rape for each calendar year. BJS’s review must include, but is not limited to, the identification of the common characteristics of both victims and perpetrators of prison rape; and prisons and prison systems with a high incidence of prison rape.”
In case you thought this story was fake or fabricated, all you have to do is check out this picture and the truth will be revealed. Just be careful – it’s a graphic image and definitely NSFW. If you can not handle watching violence, please do not watch this.Do you think there is anything wrong with what these other prisoners did to punish this terrible man? Or do you think he deserved what he got? Sound off in the comments!