An unwanted, orphan child- judged for years by her appearance – found a forever home with a high school teacher from Cincinnati.
Single, Kristin Williams, 44, had always desired children. After her first leap of faith where she paid $28,000 to bring home a little girl from Nepal, Williams received some heartbreaking news. The U.S. Department of State put a hold on all adoptions from Nepal because of fraud issues. As a result, Williams lost all her money.
Not long after, while still healing from her original loss, Williams was introduced to a young girl named Munni. Munni was nearly 5-years-old at the time, and originally from India.
The Doctors
Straight away, William noticed something was different about Munni. A victim of extreme abuse, Munni’s face and body exhibited physical scars of the deep pain she had been through.
“I saw her face, and it was like an electric current just shot out and hit me in my heart,” Kristen said in an interview. “She was everything I wasn’t looking for, and she ended up being everything I needed.”
In 2013, Munni came home with Kristen and not even a year later they decided to adopt, Roopa, a 3-year-old from India.
Roopa had also experienced her share of difficulties. She had been left to die in a trash pile, where she lost her lips and nose to hungry animals and insects. Like Munni, Roopa had been passed over for adoption because of her appearance.
But in Williams’ eyes, both little girls were perfect.
The Doctors
And Williams wants others to know, this type of hardship isn’t unique to her two daughters. “It’s very unfortunate that this is an everyday event in India.”
Enjoying their new mother and home, the girls got a special surprise last year. A group from The Doctors heard Roopa’s and Munni’s stories and decided to give the resilient girls an unforgettable gift.
They donated services to the two girls. Munni was provided cosmetic scar removal and her sister Roopa received reconstructive surgery and a nasal prosthesis.
The girls were already viewed as beautiful in the eyes of their mother, but the surgeries will enable them to face less questions about their past, and to move forward into their bright futures.
The Doctors
See the astonishing transformations in the video below.
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