How to Disassemble A Pallet With Ease For DIY Projects


Are you having trouble disassembling pallets for different projects? If you don’t know how you can take pallets apart without ruining the pieces, here’s a simple idea that will come in handy. First, get a reciprocating saw, but not necessarily an expensive one because pallets won’t stress a lot of its powers. Bear in mind that this is a long term investment. Then acquire two 12″ construction blades as the little ones that usually come with this type of saw (sawzall) won’t work that well. Now for the actual disassembling, here’s what you have to do: with the pallet placed on the side and use the saw at each end to cut through the nails. Repeat the procedure at the middle row of nails. Done! Now that you know this little trick, you can try out all the DIY pallet projects that you’ve been saving for later. Good luck!

source: Old World Garden Farms