10 Reasons Why You Need Add Coconut Oil To Your Life


Coconut oil has been used for decades, both in the beauty industry and the cooking industry – and for a good reason, keeping in mind that the coconut oil is what many call a “superfood”.
This type of oil has numerous health and beauty benefits that you should not neglect, as its high contents of fatty acids will boost your energy, improve your immune system, prevent Alzheimer’s and many other potentially fatal diseases. If you haven’t started to introduce coconut oil in your daily routine just yet, here are 10 strong reasons why you should start right now:

1. Coconut Oil Efficiently Wards Off Infections
In spite of being highly efficient for killing bacteria and fungi, antibiotics are still very controversial, and if you are not the type of person who uses medicine for treating common infections, then you might consider using coconut oil.

The secret lies in the lauric acid that is present in the coconut oil (more than half of the oil consists of 12-carbon lauric acid, actually), which acts as a natural and powerful antibiotic that kills most of the known harmful pathogens, including Candida Albicans, the dangerous Staphylococcus Aureus and other common sources of infection in people. In addition to being highly effective, the coconut oil is also side effect-free, unlike most of the antibiotics on the market!

2. Coconut Oil Improves Skin Quality And Acts As A Natural Sunscreen
If you invested a small fortune on skin care creams, then you should know that coconut oil can help you achieve virtually the same results, as it improves the quality of the skin and nails in no time. The reason why this oil is so efficient for skin health is because it keeps it highly moisturized, while nourishing it with essential lipids.

At the same time, if applied directly onto the skin, the coconut oil can also act as a mild sunscreen that blocks approximately one fifth of the ultraviolet rays coming from the sun. Besides this, you can also use this oil as mouth wash to address the common problem of bad breath, to improve your overall dental health and to kill all the bacteria present in the mouth.

3. Improves Digestion
If you have digestive problems of any kind, then consuming coconut oil on a regular basis can help you keep them under control. One of the most common and bothersome digestive problems is the Irritable Bowel Syndrome, whose symptoms can be relieved with coconut oil as it contains antimicrobial properties, precious vitamins and minerals along with essential amino acids.

4. Used For Keeping Epilepsy Under Control
This is a less-known benefit, but it is a very important one. The fatty acids found in this oil can significantly reduce the frequency and the intensity of the seizures in children who suffer from epilepsy. As a matter of fact, the coconut oil can be efficient even for children who are resistant to epilepsy drugs.