The real meanings behind some of the most popular emojis revealed

Emojis — they might be beloved or canceled by Gen Z, but certain ones have deeper meanings.

A British cellular company has revealed the truly in-depth implications that come with sending many of these little symbols to garnish a text message.

One can mean you’ve been sentenced to the friend zone as the sender has zero romantic interest in you, while others pass along more discreet messages to imply that someone is under the influence, stressed, in need of a favor or engaged in drama.

These are, according to the company Fonehouse, the subliminal implications being sent with some of the most searched emojis.

Wonky face

The wonky face emoji has a clear meaning over text.
The wonky face emoji has a clear meaning over text.

The woozy face emoji has often become a telltale sign that the user is clearly inebriated and wants to get the message across in not so many words, as the Daily Mail reported. It can also imply subtle attraction to a crush.

Nazar amulet

An ancient symbol has new meaning as an emoji.
An ancient symbol has a new meaning as an emoji.

Evil be gone! The Nazar Amulet — a powerful symbol from the ancient Middle Eastern world — is a tech-savvy way to ward off negative energy and spirit in correspondence.

Upside down smiley

The upside down smiley face does not imply good tidings.
The upside-down smiley face does not imply good tidings.

Welcome to sarcasm 101. If you’ve been sent this emoji, it’s best not to take the message at face value as irony is certainly implied.

Sweatdrop face

Lots of nervous energy comes with the sweatdrop emoji.
Lots of nervous energy comes with the sweatdrop emoji.

Putting it simply, the sweat drop emoji represents uncomfortable sentiments like stress or nervousness. It too can be used as a sign of relief.

Side-eye emoji

Tension is usually brewing when the side eyes are used.
Tension is usually brewing when the side eyes are used.

The eye emoji, also known as the side eye emoji, can be used to react to tensions, drama or a situation developing. 

Often associated with dramatic situations, the side-eye emoji is the biggest cyber warning sign that an uneasy scenario is on the horizon.

Begging face

The puppy dog eyes almost always imply a favor being asked.
The puppy dog eyes almost always imply a favor being asked.

Self-explanatory, the puppy dog eyes are broken out when someone is either begging for forgiveness, sympathy or a favor. It can also be used as a mode of compassion.

The hearts of darkness

Different color emoji hearts have special meanings over text.
Different color emoji hearts have special meanings over text.

Even what color heart a person sends over text has somewhat substantial meaning, according to Fonehouse. These are what to be on the lookout for when you see these colors in your DMs or texts.


The green heart is commonly used for people not so close to one another.
The green heart is commonly used for people not so close to one another.

This one is used primarily to connect with people who the sender does not have a close affiliation with but wants to come off as sentimental. It can also represent an affinity for nature.


The blue heart is often used when a romantic hopeful is getting shot down.
The blue heart is often used when a romantic hopeful is getting shot down.

It is the less-than-subtle cue that she’s not into you, bro. The blue heart emoji is most used to imply platonic relations without a sender having to spell out that there just isn’t any romantic interest.


The yellow heart is usually affiliated with happiness.
The yellow heart is usually affiliated with happiness.

Yellow can have a bevy of meanings. While it too represents platonic friendships, the emoji can also stand for love and the expression of happiness.