When chickens lay eggs, their instinct is to sit on them to keep them warm until they hatch. Then, when the new chicks are still tiny and fragile, the mom gathers them under her until they are big enough to stay warm on their own.
Of course, some chickens just have so much love, they like to share it with babies that aren’t exactly… theirs. Either that, or they’re just a little confused about the whole motherhood thing and are trying out all their options.
While we don’t always think of chickens as friendly or cuddly animals, they’re really quite affectionate. They have no trouble making friends with everyone, even if they look a little different.
This particular chicken found that a cat had given birth to some kittens in her nest. Apparently, she thought the nest was was just as cozy as the chicken did, and used it to her advantage.
But the chicken wasn’t alarmed to find these strange babies in her home. In fact, she readily assumed the role of motherhood, plopping down on them to share some warmth.
As you might expect, it’s pretty much the cutest thing we’ve seen today.
[H/T: Reddit]
Chickens naturally like to roost in straw when they lay eggs.
They’ll sit on the eggs while the chicks develop inside. The tiny fluffy chicks will hatch and enter the world, but they’ll still like to hang out under their mom for warmth and safety.