Take a banana peel and rub it in your face. You’ll be amazed what happens to your skin.

Acne is one of the most common skin ailments. Many people are afflicted by it and the range of cosmetics and medicine available to treat it is massive — so much so that you can easily lose track of them. Not only are many of the available treatments expensive, the list of chemicals in them makes for some taxing reading! Happily, there’s a much easier and more natural way to avoid blemishes. You just need a banana peel (organic, of course!).

There are 4 facial treatments you can use to combat acne, all of which make use of the banana peel’s many healthy properties for your skin:

It contains the vitamins A, B, C and E.
It contains zinc, manganese and iron, which help prevent infections.
It acts as a natural peel, removing toxins from your pores.
Furthermore, it has an antiseptic effect and is thus well-suited to fight bacteria that cause acne.

Banana peels are rich in antioxidants, which fight acne-causing germs.
They have enzymes that keep the skin moist.
They contain starch that removes excess oil from your pores.

NOTE: Always begin these skin treatments on clean skin!

1. Pure banana peel
Simply rub a fresh banana peel on your skin for 10 minutes, avoiding the eyes. Allow any residue to absorbed by your skin for 20 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with water. Repeat this procedure two to three times every day for best results.
2. Banana peel and oatmeal scrub
For a gentle daily scrub, add a banana peel, 3 tbsp of sugar and 1/2 cup of oatmeal into a mixer and pulse until the banana peel is well broken down. Apply this mixture to your face, gently massage, and leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water.
3. Banana peel and turmeric mask

Turmeric contains antibacterial substances, helping to reduce swelling and eliminate acne-causing germs. For an effective mask, add a banana peel to a mixer and create a paste. Then add 1 tbsp each of turmeric powder and baking soda. Next, add enough water to create a fine paste. Apply to the face and leave on for 15 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

4. Banana peel and lemon mask
The natural acid from lemons help kill acne-causing bacteria and helps existing scars to fade. Important: make sure that you don’t get it in your eyes as lemon juice can sting! Follow the same instructions as above, substituting 1 tbsp each of lemon juice and honey for the turmeric and baking soda.
If you regularly work these skin treatments into our beauty regime, you should start to see the benefits of clearer skin. Of course, as with any condition, if it persists despite the best application of home remedies, it’s always advisable to consult a doctor since there may be other health considerations at play.