I had recently acquired a bunch of wooden pallets from a neighbor and I wanted to do something neat with them. I wanted to do something than the regular things that people post, so I wanted to go above and beyond. I was looking for ideas online and I found this amazing site that has some out of this world ideas on what to do with your wooden pallets. One amazing idea that I couldn’t wait to do was the one where you can make a wooden pallet outside sink and herb spice backsplash. Another cute idea is a wine carrier that would hang off the wall. It would give a very cute rustic look. You can also use the wooden pallets to make a book shelf as well. A coat/magazine rack was another gorgeous creation that you can make from wooden pallets. You can even make a desk out of the wood. I decided to do this and I stained the wood a beautiful cherry red. I also really liked the idea of making a wooden porch swing. That was one of my all-time favorites. There were so many different ideas from making storage bench seating to a mail box and so many other unique ideas. You can make wall décor, lamp stands and book shelves. This site will really have you busy!