This weekend, the police force in Borno State, Nigeria confirmed a report of a truly shocking story of heroism. It all started at a wedding in Maiduguri, Nigera. Guests were enjoying the celebration when a female teenager crashed the entrance and began to approach the crowd.
Little did they know, this girl was a suicide bomber, and she was walking towards them with an IED strapped to her body that she was going to detonate.
Most of the villagers of the Belbelo village were in attendance that day, and nearly the entire village would be wiped out now if it wasn’t for the actions of one brave dog.
A witness says the dog belonged to a resident in the neighborhood where the wedding was taking place. For whatever reason, the dog sensed the teenager approaching the party meant them harm, and it pounced on her before she could reach the crowd.
As the girl struggled with the dog, the IED detonated. Both the bomber and the dog died. But dozens of lives were saved.
If it weren’t for the dog’s heroic sacrifice, those villagers would not be alive today.
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