How to Make Pretty Flower Mirror Decoration from Egg Carton


Egg carton craft is a fun and great way to recycle paper pulp egg cartons. Egg cartons can be made into some beautiful decorations that sometimes can exceed your expectation. I am excited to feature this nice project to decorate a mirror with pretty flowers made from egg cartons. It looks so unique and elegant. It’s easy to make and you can work with your kids on the egg carton flowers. I am sure they will love this beautifully decorated mirror made with their own hands. Now you know how to turn a plain mirror into a fancy one. You can also paint the egg carton with your favorite colors. Have fun!

Here are the things you’ll need:

    • egg carton
    • mirror with frame
    • scissors
    • ruler
    • spray paint
    • hot glue gun

Pretty Flower Mirror Decoration from Egg Carton