DIY Valentines Decor


This year for Valentine’s Day you should do something special and decorate the entire house with Valentine’s decorations. You can find a lot of pretty decorations. Will create a nice and romantic atmosphere in your home. For instance you can decorate your dining table with mason jars that can be filled with small hearts. You can also place sticks with heart shapes at the end in these jar (if you want to make these sticks yourself, there is a great tutorial on this website that shows you how). You can print some cards that look just like love letters and place them around the table or near your loved ones plate. There are a lot of other great things you can find at the Dollar Tree, such as wooden candle holders that can be filled with red hot, heart shaped rocks and even the sticks with a heart shape on their end. This way you’ll create a romantic lighting for dinner. And finally, in order to transform your apartment completely for Valentine’s Day, you must not forget about foam hearts, that can be placed on a thread and hanged all over the room.
