17 Hilarious Restaurant Receipts Too Crazy To Believe


You won’t believe some of these crazy receipts from restaurants. They go beyond the normal price and tip to messages that will make you giggle and some that will make you mad! These places and servers definitely have a sense of humor. Which is important when you’re waiting tables, because sometimes it can be a very English job. You run into people who think they shouldn’t have to tip, and even worse the one to tell you about how they shouldn’t have to tip. You have to smile through all of that and be nice anyway, or risk losing your job. Some servers are just so jovial and over-the-top that they make every meal and experience! Some of these receipts you might expect, and others will come as a surprise! I wonder if it would actually elicit better tips to have the message that they all go towards killing fans of the Twilight movies! I guess it depends on the crowd! It’s people like the Christian who left a note on the receipt saying “I give God 10 percent why should you get 18” that give others a bad name. How rude and tasteless! One place has an idea I think most people would get behind, a discount for well behaved kids! I would totally tell my kids that earning us the discount equaled ice cream on the way home! Some patrons leave the notes on the receipts and they aren’t always appropriate. I’ll just leave it at that. Wow. One restaurant prints a “yo mama” joke on each ticket, but I’ll leave that for you to read on your own. It’s not exactly family friendly. Sometimes, you get shamed. If you’re a millionaire football player, and you tip someone 20 cents, you should expect that receipt to go viral pretty quickly. That is just wrong on many levels! You really won’t believe some of these restaurant receipts.