Natural Home Remedy for Unwanted Facial Hair


If you are anything like me, you have some sort of nasty unwanted facial hair somewhere. As ladies, we seem to get that peach fuzz on the top of our lips, or at least I do, let’s get rid of it!
Sometimes we go towards methods that are not so wonderful for the skin such as waxing, which pulls the skin causing irritation. This method is very soothing to the skin, helping to keep that healthy and natural glow. No redness for hours! It is packed full of healthy ingredients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Remember the skin is the largest organ on/in the body, the one that people see, it is important to keep it healthy and beautiful!


3 Tbsp Honey

1 ½ Tbsp Oatmeal

2 ½ Tsp Lemon Juice


Mix the ingredients, and run it on the area of your face that the hair needs to be removed. After 15 minutes wash your face with warm water, pat dry, and apply a facial cream or oil. Do this 2-3 times a week until the hair is gone!
