Pufferfish Crafts Astonishing Underwater Masterpiece That, ‘Almost Defies Belief.’

When you think about animal’s accomplishing unbelievable feats that require great creativity and even artistry, the first animal that comes to mind is probably not a fish. Much less a pufferfish. But the BBC’s Earth documentary series captured a Japanese Pufferfish proving himself “nature’s greatest artist” in the awe-inspiring video below.

To get the attention of a female, the male pufferfish in the video below creates an elaborate underwater masterpiece by digging in the sand on the ocean’s floor. “In his head, a plan of mathematical perfection,” says David Attenborough, legendary BBC narrator and naturalist.


The pufferfish works for 24 hours a day for a week, racing against the clock and the currents which threaten to destroy his creation. He even completes his breathtaking work of art by decorating it with the shells he digs up.

All this effort to woo a lady. Fellas, take note.

When the fish’s creation is finally revealed, it’s truly breathtaking.


While the incredible clip below is certainly a powerful reminder of nature’s beauty, it also leaves us with some serious questions: Did the pufferfish’s plan work? Did he get the girl?

We can only hope so.

Check out nature’s beauty in the video below.

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