Hungry Mom In McDonald’s Breaks Down In Tears After Reading Anonymous 12-Word Note.

As we’ve seen time and time again, an act of kindness has the power to change a life. Sometimes it’s a random act of kindness– like the time a stranger left $100 in a Redbox DVD for an unsuspecting family to find– and sometimes, its a well-planned sacrificial act of kindness– as the time Amy Grant’s daughter donated her kidney to her best friend.

For the person in the story below, the opportunity to extend kindness presented itself in a McDonald’s alongside a refill of Sprite.

It all started when the anonymous writer telling story observed a hungry woman buying a Happy Meal for her son. She had to dig from between the cushions of her car to pay for it and didn’t have any money to get food for herself.

That’s when our narrator stepped in with a gift and some encouraging advice: “Keep your head up and always push forward, You CAN. You WILL.”

Check out the story below:

Sometimes the smallest gesture can change someone in magnificent ways. So be on the lookout.

Share this beautiful story to spread encouragement today.