12 Creative Uses for Binder Clips


Using things differently is becoming more and more popular nowadays. As for binder clips, they are not just for holding books and paper. They are actually more versatile than you expected and are surprisingly useful in many areas around your house. After watching this video, you’ll be amazed at the various uses people have come up with for the versatile binder clip. In the video below, YouTuber CrazyRussianHacker shows us twelve creative ways to use a simple binder clip. For example, you can use a binder clip on the toothpaste tube to help squeeze out the leftover toothpaste. You can also use binder clips to better organize your home and save space. I am sure you can use some or all of these great binder clip hacks in your everyday life. Check these out and learn how binder clips can make your life easier!

(source: CrazyRussianHacker)

Please share these awesome binder clip hacks with your family and friends. And if you have other creative uses for binder clips, please share them with us in the comment below. Thank you!