A rusty cast iron pot bought at a yard sale held a hidden surprise for its new owner.
Imgur user Sandytoo bought a dutch oven pot for $5 at a yard sale and proceeded to bring it back to life. The woman who sold it to her did not think it could be salvaged due to the amount of rust that had accumulated on its surface.
“This is a huge dutch oven … it is more than a foot across,” Sandytoo wrote on Imgur. “I thought we could save it.”
She was right.
Sandytoo scrubbed the pot, applied lard and baked in it in the oven at 350 degrees for an hour, twice.
“I actually spoke to it while I was rubbing it … I told it how handsome it was,” Sandytoo wrote.
Photo credit: Sandytoo on Imgur
A No. 8 Birmingham Stove & Range Dutch Oven from the same era recently sold on eBay for $65 — a great deal more than the $5 Sandytoo paid at the yard sale. A No. 14 is currently up for auction at $450, and a No. 12 is being offered for $399.
But Sandytoo is not going to sell her antique dutch oven.
“Beautiful! I can’t wait to use it!” she wrote on Imgur.