I have always considered myself to be a gift wrapping Hanshi. A Hanshi is the highest level that can be achieved in Karate; they are someone who has has a total and complete understanding of their craft. It turns out that I’m still lacking in a few area. *Gulp* Humble pie.
This video shows an amazing and simple way to wrap gifts. It only takes a few seconds and uses just a few pieces of tape! Only two! These gifts are so lovely. If I could learn this method it would make my life easier. I am curious about weird shaped packages. I bet it wouldn’t work for those.
If wrapping isn’t for you…take the gift bag route! I tend to go that way myself. They come in all shapes and sizes and can be very affordable. The ones at Oriental Trading are a bit more so than the ones atHallmark but I love them all.
Here’s the video… Enjoy!
Source: http://diycozyhome.com/page/3/