They Said She Can’t Dance Because Of Her Weight, So She Films THIS And Silences Her Doubters

Whitney Thore has a passion for dancing and you would think there is nothing strange about it. Unfortunately there is! It appears that our ‘perfect’ world does not think overweight people can dance. Well, Thore was determined to prove all of those doubters that she can and she silenced them all.

Whitney Thore has a passion for dancing and you would think there is nothing strange about it. Unfortunately there is! It appears that our ‘perfect’ world does not think overweight people can dance. Well, Thore was determined to prove all of those doubters that she can and she silenced them all.

For years Thore struggled with eating disorders and issues of confidence, which were brought on by polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Her condition, which is incurable, caused her to gain nearly 100 pounds. After she started gaining weight at a rapid pace, people started to call her “fat and disgusting,” This damaged her self-confidence and she was feeling very bad.

After some time Thore decided to fight back and she began posting videos called “A Fat Girl Dancing.” Now she is getting tons of messages of support.

This is her response…