Mom Horrified To Discover What School Did To Son’s Mouth

A Baltimore mother is furious after claiming that her son’s elementary school performed a dental procedure and removed several of his teeth without her knowledge or permission.

WJZ reports that Shanda Flemming became irate after learning that her 9-year-old son, Michael, returned home from school with three of his teeth missing.  Michael told his mother that a dental program visiting the school pulled out three of his teeth. Shanda alleges that not only did she not give her permission, but she never even knew the procedure was taking place.

 “I’m angry about this. I don’t think that it should have happened like that,” she said.

Michael claims he was not aware of the procedure, either.  “They just said they was gonna clean my teeth,” says Michael.

 In addition, the procedure caused Michael to miss the bus, meaning he had to walk over a mile to his home.  “He walked home alone after having three teeth extracted from his mouth. He could have fell out or anything,” says Flemming.

School dental programs have grown in popularity after a Maryland boy died in 2007 from an infected tooth. In that instance, Deamonte Driver suffered an infection that spread to his brain after he failed to undergo a simple procedure that would have cost $80, ABC News reports. Hurdles in Driver’s healthcare service led to delays in obtaining approval for the procedure.

In Michael’s case, even though the school acted quickly, Flemming claims they should have notified her of the procedure taking place on her son.
“I just don’t understand how a school or a company can take it in their hands to do something like this to a child,” she said.

Sources: WJZABC News / Photo credit: Smallbones/Wikimedia Commons