Make A Magical Salt Sock For Ear Infection Relief


Moms and Dads-pay attention! Really everyone should pay attentions.You are going to glad of this information at some point in your life. Winter is the time of snotty noses, colds, flu, and ear aches. If not for your kiddos then for you. I’m a fan of natural remedies. I’m not anti-doctor by any means but I do like to try and fix minor problems myself. My Grandmother had so many home remedies that seemed like miracle cures and I think I remember one like this.

This sock isn’t really “magic” but sea salt has quite a few healing properties. That and the heat combo can help relieve pain. And anything that does that and help speed up recovery is ok by me. Always check with your doctor if you have concerns or a serious medical issue but check out this sock too! These other natural remedies from Mother Nature Network are worth looking into as well…