How To Crochet A Soda Tab Coaster


Hmmmm. What are your thoughts on the mysterious pop tab? Probably that it’s not really all that mysterious. We use them to open our sodas and that’s really all. The cans we repurpose but the tops? A DIY here and there but not that often. This is a fun project because it’s easy and it’s a twofer. Two for the price of one. Crocheting and repurposing/upcycling.

Would you wear a dress made of these. Maybe. I’m on the fence. You might have to watch the video a few times, I know I did! She goes so fast! The project will be so cool when complete!

Want to see something crazy made from pop tabs? How about an evening dress? Recycle Art has one. For those of us a little less ambitious maybe a nice necklace and earrings?

Watch on Youtube