Toddler Wakes Up In Tears. But Wait Till You See Who She Goes To For Comfort…

Anyone who has siblings knows that sibling rivalry is a real thing. There is always a bit of competition going for attention, for privileges, for toys…the list goes on and on.

But while we may bicker and compete with our siblings, there is also a special bond there that cannot be broken, and this video is the perfect picture of that.

Popular parenting blogger Esther Anderson posted this sweet video of her toddler waking up with the caption, “A typical morning in the Anderson house…”

Little Ellia’s cries can be heard before she can even be seen, and then the grumpy toddler enters the room with her eyes squinted up and tears streaming down her face. “This is gonna be a long day… It was already a long night!” exasperated Esther says into the camera.

Instead of climbing into her mom’s lap to snuggle, though, Ellia goes straight for her baby sister, and what she does next will melt your heart!

Ellia puts her arm around her little sister and her face visibly starts to relax. Soon a smile even breaks out. “I love her, so much!” she tells her mom as she strokes the baby’s face.

While parenting can be a difficult job, it’s moments like this one that make it all worth it. It’s obvious little Ellia will be her sister’s biggest champion and protector, even if they drive each other a little crazy sometimes!

Were you touched by these sisters’ sweet interaction? So share this!