Oncologists Are Begging People To STOP Eating These 4 Foods That Are Proven To Cause Cancer!!!!

Medical experts consider cancer as a complex set of diseases. They also note that it can be triggered by various factors, including:

  • Lifestyle factors like unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, tobacco use;
  • Genetics;
  • Specific infections;
  • Environmental exposure to various types of chemicals and radiation.

According to researches, following an unhealthy diet and being physically inactive could elevate your possibility of developing cancer.

It has been estimated by The World Cancer Research Fund that nearly 20% of the total American cancer cases are associated with poor diet, physical inactivity, weight gain, and excess consumption of alcohol.

However, like many other diseases, cancer is also a preventable disease. So, you can greatly lower your risk of cancer by:

  • Eating a healthy diet rich in organic veggies and fruits;
  • Giving up smoking;
  • Exercising regularly;
  • Maintaining a healthy body weight.


  1. Refined and Artificial Sugary Foods

It is a well-known fact that the excess intake of foods containing refined sugar and artificial fructose sweeteners, like high-fructose corn syrup can lead to the development of a wide range of health issues.

In general, this type of foods can quickly raise the levels of insulin and boost cancer cell growth.

In 2006, the American Society for Clinical Nutrition journal published a study suggesting that the participants who consumed higher amounts of sugar-sweetened foods had a greater chance of developing pancreatic cancer than control group.

Hence, consider substituting these unhealthy food choices with natural options such as maple syrup, honey, stevia, blackstrap molasses, or jaggery.

  1. Red and Processed Meats

There are a lot of harmful preservatives and chemicals in processed meats, including bacon, sausage, ham, etc. Moreover, this type of meat also possesses extremely high amount of salt.

The Nutrition and Cancer journal published a study showing that the excess processed meat consumption could be linked to the development of colorectal cancer.

That’s not all, high read meat consumption can also elevate the persons risk of developing prostate and colorectal cancer.

So, you should exclude these foods from your diet. You should only eat grass-fed meat since it is a much healthier alternative than processed ones.

  1. Smoked and Pickled Foods

The regular consumption of these foods is not good for your overall health.

Namely, the smoking process of smoked meats leaves many toxic ingredients in the meat, which can contribute to various health issues. Also, there are a lot of nitrates in pickled foods that are transformed into N-nitroso. Additionally, this ingredient can significantly elevate the possibility of developing cancer.

What’s more, smoked and pickled foods are loaded with preservatives. They are added in these foods in order to prolong their shelf life. But, the excess intake of preservatives can trigger cellular damage, thus resulting in cancer development.

Therefore, it is recommended to exclude these foods from your diet.

4.       Farmed Salmon

There is a huge difference between farmed and wild salmon. In other words, unlike the farmed salmon, the consumption of wild variety offers many health benefits.

Furthermore, farmed salmon consumption has been found to increase the chance of cancer development.

To be more specific, Science Magazine published a study confirming that there are greater amounts of harmful chemicals and cancer-promoting ingredients in farmed salmon than wild one. Some of these ingredients include toxaphene, mercury, dioxins, flame retardants, and polychlorinated biphenyls. These ingredients are not good for your health and can lead to many other health problems.

In case you want to purchase wild salmon, please read its labeled ingredients. Keep in mind that farmed salmon is cheaper than wild variety.

Source http://healthylifestar.com/