If you are like me, you likely thought of fabulous inventions to upgrade every day situations, daily. I am always saying things like “I wish so-and-so could so-and-so.” Unlike me, there are people who actually take their ideas and bring them to fruition. There are so many every day situations that could benefit from an inventive upgrade. I am so impressed by some of these inventions to upgrade situations that I will be searching far and wide until I find them! If you have ever pulled up to the wrong side of the gas pump, you’ll enjoy the thought of upside down gas pumps. The hoses can come to either side of the car! If you have ever needed to clean your glasses, start wearing the right material, you’ll appreciate this next invention to upgrade every day situations. A necktie lined with microfiber! What a perfect invention to ensure you can clean your glasses anywhere. Kids are stuck sitting at their desk for school seven hours a day. Imagine if the desk had built in pedals. They would have something to do when they get antsy, they would get exercise while they’re sitting, it would make school less boring! Wouldn’t you love a see through toaster, so you could watch the bread get brown and crispy? And I don’t know why someone hasn’t already made a fortune with heated mirrors for the bathroom. Wouldn’t it be great to get out of the shower to a non-fogged up mirror? And I promise I will be first in line when I ever hear of electrical outlets with built-in USB ports being sold anywhere near me. I would never have to worry about charging block for my electronics again! I love all these ideas for inventions to upgrade every day situations, don’t you?