When Erica went into early labor at 38 weeks, she headed straight to the hospital to give birth. The nervous mother brought all the necessities, and was even considerate enough to bring along snacks for the nurses that would be tending to her. Erica knows all about giving birth, since this experienced mom already has 3 kids under her belt. Two of them are a pair of boy and girl fraternal twins, but this time around, she didn’t know what to expect. Literally!
Despite the astronomical odds, Weston and Erica were once again expecting twins. Weston took a video camera with him to document the birth, so that family and friends could participate in the joyful experience of the “great unknown.” You see, what they didn’t want to know was the gender of their babies ahead of time.
As the time drew near, the anticipation was killing them – and the nurses! Everyone in the delivery room wanted to see if they would be welcoming blue or pink into the world. They were overcome with emotion when they looked down. Soon after the second twin popped out, the cheers, laughter and high-fives started erupting! Watch the video below to share in the excitement of “what” God had in store for this couple’s surprise delivery!