If Your Hands And Feet Are Always Cold You Probably Have Some Of These Health Conditions


Cold fingers and toes are more common in women and it is quite a normal occurrence but still it should not be ignored in any way.
If you notice that you have cold hands and feet for several days in a row check out these four health problems:

Besides cold hands and feet the most common symptoms for anemia are fatigue and headache. So if you have 2 of these 3, it is good to check the levels of iron in your blood. Lack of oxygen is the main culprit that leads you to this coldness.

The feeling of coldness and tingling in hands and feet is the first sign of diabetes. Diabetes has a huge impact on the bloodstream and the nervous system, so, it would not be bad to check health.

Problem with thyroid
The decreased work of the thyroid leads to slow metabolism and the consequence is coldness in the extremities. Fatigue, lethargy, sleepiness and slower speech are just another following symptom.

Stress is the most common cause of coldness. It increases the production of adrenaline that tightens the blood vessels. Therefore circulation is minimized.

First aid against cold limbs
In this case scenario a good advice should be to download your limbs and to gently shake them. If you want to solve this problem for good you should eat healthy foods and you should also do any physical activity.