Hypo Vs Hyperthyroidism: All The Signs, Symptoms, Triggers And Treatments

The thyroid gland, a butterfly-shaped organ located in the base of the neck, performs a crucial function in the body. It releases hormones which are responsible for regulation of the growth, metabolism, and energy of the body.

Therefore, any disruption of its function is very dangerous, as it affects the overall health. An overactive thyroid is linked to hyperthyroidism, a condition in which it releases too much of the hormone while its low activity leads to hypothyroidism.

Knowing the causes, symptoms, and treatments of these conditions is very important, as it is the best preventive measure against them. Statistics show that 1 in 20 people is prone to developing some form of thyroid issue in their lifetime. It is important to mention that women are more susceptible to these issues than men.


Both health issues are caused by an imbalance of the thyroid hormone. To prevent either of them, the production of this hormone shouldn’t be deficient nor excessive.

Hypothyroidism is a result of a deficiency of the thyroid hormone in the body and it causes various symptoms, such as dry skin, cramping, muscle pain, excess fluid in tissues, fatigue, sensitivity to cold temperatures, thinning of hair, and trouble in concentration.

On the other hand, hyperthyroidism is a result of an overactive thyroid gland and causes symptoms like heat sensitivity, nervousness, sudden weight loss, irritation, anxiety, diarrhea, sleeping trouble, and accelerated the heart rate.

Sometimes, an overactive thyroid gland can cause a formation of large lump in the throat which is called goiter and it is a symptom of deficiency in iodine.