How To Make a Decorative Mirror Out of Egg Cartons


I was super skeptical about this idea when I first heard about it. Using egg cartons to decorate a mirror? Yeah right! Egg cartons are great for crafting and there are so many fun crafts but I don’t really think about them for home decor. This craft, featured at Jumble Joy, is making me reconsider my position on these disposable cardboard containers.

The end result looks really pretty. I’m very surprised! These flowers look nice and aren’t that hard to make. It takes some cutting, gluing, and patience. I have two of those things. Lol. Patience? Not so much but I might still be able to give it a go. Tip Junkie has a roundup of 22 things that you can make from egg cartons that are also pretty fun. Buttons, sewing kits, gift wraps, masks. So many awesome things. I heart DIY.